Top 7 Ways To Generate More Leads With Website Design

Top 7 Ways to Generate More Leads with Your Website Design

The World Wide Web, that multifunctional tool that has been the spine of ecommerce development. These days, people are beginning to take their websites as serious as they take their physical shops and offices.

Is it not amazing that despite the fact most website operators clamor for more traffic on their website? They do not actually mean that the website operator is already making money. No, it is actually more like an indicator that there is a high potential for making money. This is because the more people visiting your website, the higher your chances of making money. How then does traffic signify that you are making money because of your having more traffic on your website?

The more the traffic on your website your website, the higher chances of those visitors taking the call to action and becoming leads. These leads have not actually become customers but have filled out a form or subscribed to a newsletter.


Gone were the days you needed to employ the services of the best web design companies as web design tricks have now been laid bare especially for business owners. That does not mean you should make a mess of your business website in the name of cutting down cost. Even with the best web design company, you can still have a website that may never fulfil its potential as regards generating more leads.

If there is one thing that can cause traffic to become leads, then it is the outlook and the performance of your website both of which are reliant on how you deign your website. For your website to cause visitors to be converted, it must look good and feel good.

Below are seven ways you can generate more leads for your website through your design of your website.

Easy and Comprehensive Navigation

This is one very important feature of a good website, as nobody including myself will continue my tour on a website that is already making me confused. Keep it simple by placing your navigation on the top or top left hand corner of your website to enable easy access to your website visitors.

Fast Loading Website Pages

None of your pages should take more than 3-5 seconds to loads. Nobody will want to continue surfing a lagging website, not to mention converting. It is very important that you optimize your website to load as fast as possible while also having the important features of a good website.

Obvious Yet not too Compulsive COA

Your call-to-action should be obvious enough for people to see yet should not be too compulsive so as not to scare people away. This may be one reason why your website is getting substantial traffic without any serious conversion. Your call-to-action should be embedded in your content, product description or service description

Get Personal

One reason your website has not been generating adequate leads is because you have not been able to connect with your website visitors. When developing content, make it as personal as possible. Avoid the use of words like “the company, the individual, and the customer” and substitute them for words like “I, you, we, etc.” This will make your content to look less like an automated one and look more personal.

Substantial Contact details

Trust is one facilitator of conversion as the individual who is to convert is likely going to give out something of value and would expect something of value in return. It is important that you give out enough contact information that makes your business look legitimate.

Focus on Sales Promotion

“a trial will convince you” read the signboard of a boutique I saw along the road. I walked it, tried a perfume free and then came out with three pairs of shoes and a shirt which were bought with my own money. The point is not the items I bought but the trial that made me buy more than I actually bargained for. People will not appreciate your product or services enough until they make use of it. The difference could be a trial version or a discounted product.

Online Forms

The major means of generating leads is mainly through the use of newsletters; you can take your game a notch higher by making use of online forms to generate more leads. This can be personalized to give you the opportunity of collecting ample information about the individual in question. From the information given, you will be able to know the appropriate for of service or product to offer to him