Looking to perfect your print editing skills? This week on the WebDesignLedger Shop, we’re featuring the 1-year Adobe Creative Cloud Photography Plan + Training Bundle for only $129.99. That’s an 89% bonus off the plaque price of $1,200! This bundle gives we full access to the benefits of the Adobe village with access to an endless library of video tutorials to get we up to speed quickly as well as help master new skills. What’s included:Photoshop as well as Lightroom 12-month subscription. Perfect to help we fine-tune your print editing skills. ($120 value)Photoshop CC Camera Raw Training ($180 value)Photoshop CC Color Management Training ($180 value)Photoshop CC Fundamentals Training ($180 value)Photoshop CC Selections Training ($180 value)Lightroom CC/6 Fundamentals Training ($180 value)Lightroom CC/6 Slideshow Training ($180 value)Your subscription will be available for present digital download after purchase. There are 5 days left to grab this amazing Adobe bundle so hurry to the WebDesignLedger Shop prior to it’s prior to it’s gone! Read More during WDL Shop: Get the 1-year subscription to Adobe CC Photography Plan
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