After Apple owning some-more than half of YouTubes ad leaderboard in April, final month saw a mix of brands in a tip 10, with Knorrs #LoveAtFirstTaste mark ranking No. 1.Earning 33 million views, a soup brand won scarcely as many views as all of final months tip 10 ads, that pulled in a total 37.8 million views.Knorrs #LoveAtFirstTaste ad follows a creative direction during a back of final years viral First Kiss spot, but instead of pairing strangers to kiss, a brand suited up strangers according to their a a single preferred soups as well as had them feed a single another.Mothers Day helped P&G as well as Cricket Wireless break into a tip 10 list, with both brands launching ads focused on moms. P&G revisited its Thank You, Mom series in a brand new ad for a Rio Olympics, while Cricket Wireless took a funny track in its PhotoMombing mark riffing on photo-bombs by moms.GoPro was a usually brand to have some-more than a single mark in a tip 10, earning a total 6.4 million views with a single ad during No. 4 as well as an additional during No. 6.With 60.8 million total views as well as some-more than 96 million minutes of watch time, final months tip video ads generated scarcely double a number of views as well as watch time of Aprils tip 10 many popular ads, that earned usually 42.8 million minutes of watch time.1. Knorr: #LoveAtFirstTaste (33M views)2. Evian: Baby Bay (7M views)3. P&G: Thank You, Mom Strong | Rio 2016 Olympic Games (5M views)4. GoPro: On a Rocket Launch to Space (3.8M views)5. Lufthansa: Everyones Fanhansa (3.3M views)6. GoPro: Man as well as Grizzly Bear Adventures with Bella (2.6M views)7. McDonalds Malaysia: Angry Birds (2M views)8. Benzac (w/ BuzzFeedYellow): Things You Wish You Could Control In High School (1.1M views)9. Temptations Brand: CATTERBOX The worlds first talking cat collar (1M views)10. Cricket Wireless: #PhotoMombing! Because Moms Are a Bomb! (968K views)
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