Google Voice Access beta enlarges role for voice, conversational device interaction

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As part of its effort to make Android inclination more accessible to people with disabilities, Google has launched Voice Access Beta. It offers a far wider range of voice-controlled functions on Android inclination and includes more spoken recognition and feedback.

It takes getting used to and isnt entirely intuitive, especially if youve been using OK Google and related, ordinary Android voice commands. For me it was pretty buggy and awkward at first.

Voice Access Beta demo .gif

Essentially it allows users to do anything (almost) they could do with a touchscreen with voice commands and control. As indicated in a demo GIF above, numbers are associated with apps and functions and used to navigate. The touchscreen is disabled while Voice Access is operating, which can be frustrating because Voice Access isnt always as efficient as touch.

As a tool for a disabled its terrific. Most regular Android users, however, arent going to wish to substitute it for their traditional hold experience except for a novelty of trying it out.

Whats appealing to me is a way that it points toward more voice actions and conversational communication with inclination in a destiny along a lines of a Star Trek computer that Google has wanted to build from a early days. Indeed, as AI and natural language understanding continue to improve, we will increasingly speak to our inclination and they will speak to us.

Theres plenty of evidence of this, from a pick up in voice search/voice assistant usage to new assistant user-interfaces (e.g., Amazon Echo) that have no traditional shade display. We are being conditioned by these technology advances to interact with mobile inclination and newer machines in very different ways than we do with PCs and a conventional Google SERP.

(Some images used under license from

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