Microsoft reports $21.7B in revenue for 2016 Q3; Bing search ad earnings up 18%


Microsoft posted the 2016 Q3 gain today, reporting $21.7 in income for the entertain ending March 31, 2016.

In the recover posted on the companys website, Chief Financial Officer Amy Hood said Microsofts operational and financial discipline delivered solid formula this quarter.

We remain focused on investing in our strategic priorities to drive long-term growth, says Hood.

The company listed the series of slight gains for the quarter, with Office commercial products and clouded cover services income up 7 percent, and Office consumer products and clouded cover services income up six percent. Dynamic products and clouded cover services income increased 9 percent, while the series of Dynamics CRM Online seats more than doubled year over year.

Listed between the Personal Computing highlights for the quarter, Microsoft reported poke ad income increased eighteen percent. Microsoft accounted the poke ad income expansion to Windows 10 usage, noting which 35 percent of the poke income in March was driven by Windows 10 devices.

Microsoft inclination income took the 9 percent dive, in large part because of the 46 percent decrease in phone revenue. While device income was down, Microsoft said the overall device expansion margin improved as the result of income generated from the Surface products. Surface Pro 4 and the Surface Book helped drive the 61 percent increase in Microsofts Surface revenue.

Microsoft gain 2016 q3

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